Networks – Modelling the pottery supply

Aim of the study is to investigate how the imported goods entered the region and what valuable insights could be gained into the economic and social dynamics of the region, as well as the wider network of trade and exchange during the imperial period.

Project that stems from the ongoing study of D. Grigoropoulos of the Roman pottery from the sanctuary of Kalapodi in central Greece. it offers a preliminary attempt at reconstructing the pottery supply networks during the Roman period. 

An experimental attempt to simulate the pottery supply to the sanctuary by taking into account several geographical parameters and different scenarios of transport over sea and land

Early Roman period pottery network

AeGIS Lab, Athena Research Centre at Xanthi, undertook all data input and analysis and also created the maps. The process of reconstructing ancient land routes involved analyzing historical and archaeological data and integrating data from a variety of sources, including archaeological surveys, historical maps, and texts, and topographic data. We utilized available GIS resources, including shapefiles (shp), which contained the locations of archaeological sites and features like roads, rivers, and lakes. These resources were filtered and verified for accuracy.

Travel and time distance from the harbour of Antikira

The second leg of our analysis relied heavily on the importance of creating a network dataset in GIS for analyzing maritime trade routes and ports. Creating such a dataset is essential for performing network analysis to identify the shortest paths between ports and consumption points and to understand the trade routes between them. This process involves adding information about ports, maritime routes and shipwrecks into a network dataset and configuring the network for analysis

Routes and entry points of LR2 pottery from Chios